Oksana Lang
Gestalt Practitioner
I am offering psychological consultations as a Gestalt therapist in education:
- Onsite in Tallinn, Estonia
- Online via video-call apps
- Languages: English, Estonian, Ukrainian
The price of up to 60 min consultation is 40€
I am happy to help with depression, burnout, life changes adaptation, work and personal relationships, and general life satisfaction.

About me
My journey with mental health topics started in 2018 when I was diagnosed with clinical depression. The main trigger was becoming a mother of two and the challenges of the postpartum period when the feeling of control over my life was lost. Gestalt psychotherapy, along with medical treatment, helped me to fully recover from depression and find the light in my life again.
I am Ukrainian, and I relocated to Estonia in 2011. I have a B2 language proficiency in the Estonian language. I have been married for over 10 years now, and am a mother to an 9-years-old daughter and a 7-years-old son. We are a family of bright neurodivergent personalities.
My first professional qualification is Software Engineering, and I work full-time as a Strategist.
In my free time, I visit the gym, play ukulele in an orchestra, enjoy reading fiction books, and grow flowers in my garden in Tallinn suburbs.
Education in the psychological field:
- From 2021 till now – Gestalt Institute of Scandinavia, Denmark
- 2024 – Grief counseling and techniques (4 EAP), University of Tartu
- 2024 – Basic victim assistance training (Ohvriabi, Digiriigi Akadeemia)
- 2023 – Mental Health First Aid course (by peaasi.ee, Estonia)
- 2022 – Developmental psychology (3 EAP), Clinical psychology (6 EAP), University of Tartu
- 2021 – General and Social Psychology (3 EAP), Tallinn University

The first step towards recovering is allowing yourself to Feel It
What is Gestalt?
“Gestalt therapists believe that people potentially have all the necessary abilities to solve their problems or face their difficulties.”
Phil Jouce and Charlotte Sills
Sometimes, life circumstances and personal history cause us to choose behaviors that feel safe for the moment but far from happiness. Gestalt techniques help to uncover the true needs of the human being and help build fulfilling relationships.
Clients feedback
“Oksana ja Reelika tõid mu ellu kõige raskemal ajal nii palju uut hingamist. Ma sain neilt ja tugigrupilt uued oskused, mida rakendan oma igapäevaelus. Mu suhtlus sõprade ja perega ning eelkõige iseendaga on olulisel määral paranenud. Tänasel päevalgi suudan mingeid emotsioone palju paremini mõtestada ja lasta neil olla, nagu nad on. Eks veel ole palju tööd ja iseenda tundma õppimist aga tunnen, et tänu teile poleks seda kunagi nii kiirelt ja edukalt juhtunud. Siiralt ja südamest aitäh, te muutsite mu elu.”
Ärevuse grupi osaleja K.
Active therapy groups in Estonia
In Ukrainian:
- Коло турботи в бібліотеці Спільно в Таллінні. Наступні зустрічі: 20.01, 17.02. Зареєструватися
- Психологічні вечори в Akadeemia kohv в Таллінні. Наступні зустрічі: 6.01, 10.02, 3.03. Зареєструватися
In English:
- Burnout in IT. Group coming together in January – early February of 2025. Details and registration here
In Estonian: